Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Of Mice and Men

Why can't American men be more like these Greek ones? Here in Greece, the men just ask. I haven't been asked out for months in America, but three times in the past week here. Here's today's experience. I was standing at a crosswalk today, when a man came up and spoke to me and my friend in Greek. I said (in Greek) "Sorry, I don't understand. English?" And sure enough, he did, but not perfectly. We chatted for a while, then he said, "So, would you maybe like to go and get coffee, or a drink, whichever you like better?" How flattering. "Oh, no I can't, we have to get back to the hotel. But thank you, that is quite a complement." "No, thank you." He said as he bowed, then turned around and walked away. Amazing. Why can't that happen back home? Let me clarify this one. I'm not saying I think every man on the street should ask me out, or even that I'd want to go with every guy. But the men take incentive here, and they're not ashamed of it.

But on another note.... This trip has been great. I have learned how to wash my clothes in a European economy-size sink, how to speak a little Greek, picked up on customs, and learned how to dance Greek style(That's one of the other times I was asked out, and I said yes that time). But it's really hot here, and I'm really hating my hair at the moment. should I cut it again? Maybe so.


At 8:00 PM, Blogger Chris said...

That city is absolutely enormous! I thought Melbourne was sprawling, but that's just unreal!

You know, I always wondered about asking women out spur-of-the-moment. I almost asked out a girl at a bookstore once. I was getting some dictionaries for my music degree (too many music scores are in other languages), and the girl at the checkout was extremely attractive and, I think, about my age. She asked me something like, "wow, do you speak all these languages? you're missing spanish, you know."

What I wanted to say was, "yes, I do, how about dinner?" but I think I mumbled something incoherant about my degree and payed as quickly as I could. I sopmetimes wonder if she'd have said yes.

Glad you're having a good time, take lots of pictures!

At 7:21 PM, Blogger ckjolly said...

ha! the aussies are reading your blog, babe!

loved your story ... yeah, so maybe i should have come here as a non-missionary ... why? ... cuz we aren't allowed to date.

not that anyone has asked me ... but i DID there's a lot of great restaurants here that i wouldn't mind going to.

At 10:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, it's not exactly true that you haven't been "asked out for months" here in Savannah. Sorry Carmen, I was just reading your blog (linked from your facebook), and not to sound offended or anything but I'm more confrontational than not and felt it was worth saying. For the record I did have a fun time and would have loved to do it again, just the same as I said. However, I don't know what happened on your end, cause I haven't spoken that much to you since. I know I'm a pretty hit-and-miss kind of guy, though, that you'll either love me or hate me. I sincerely apologize if it was the latter. But don't think that nobody back home is disinterested in you. You just have to learn how to talk back to people.

At 10:57 PM, Blogger Priscilla said...

Chris isn't an Aussie. He's a displaced American! I know...I went to his wedding!

At 11:02 PM, Blogger Priscilla said...

About your story...sure you think men should be more like the Greeks...asking you out at the spur of the moment. But I happened to be reminded of the time I was about 17 and working in a public library. A young man came to the desk and asked me for my phone number. I was scared to death so I said "no." (He was probably about my age) So...if men should be more "greek"...what about us women? Would a greek girl be more apt to give her phone number or say "yes?"

At 4:32 AM, Blogger mike said...

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence... ;)

At 6:04 AM, Blogger mike said...

Oh and I am a true blue Aussie

At 11:49 AM, Blogger Carmen said...

I see I have a lot of catching up to do with ya'll. First, Chris, I enjoyed your anecdote, and I would've given it a whirl. Stine and nanbob, i miss you guys. Anonymous, i really think i missed it with you, my friend. Sometimes I don't really get that i'm being asked out, thinking we're just pals and i do believe that's what happened in our case. So I guess i need these strait-to-the-point types. I am blonde, after all. Priscilla, actually, i think we could be a little more willing, but healthy fear is, well, healthy. The Greek women actually usually play hard-to-get. Mike, you are a cool aussie. Dang, you're aussie, so that's an automatic 3000 cool points. I approve of you. Tell you-know-whom i said so.

At 6:27 PM, Blogger The Borg said...

Carmen, I know why lots of Greek guys are asking you out... you're blonde and you're soo cute!

Were these Greek guys good looking? Swarthy, built like he's just come down from Mount Olympia? Ready to make some little demigods... and leave you barefoot and pregnant... True story.

At 7:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch, the irony is razor sharp. Some foriegn guy you don't even know says, "Would you maybe like to go and get coffee or a drink," and he wants to date you, yet 2 lunches and dinner and a movie are worth nothing. I didn't know I was being unclear. But forgive me for being so personal on your webpage. I'll shoot you an email, and we'll talk. Deal?

At 7:40 PM, Blogger mike said...

I blush at the compliment... Most Amricans think Aussies are cool. Maybe it's the Croc Dundee thing or even the Croc Hunter ("Crikey") or maybe we just have good novelty value. ;)

LOL Shy... maybe you need to go America via Greece ;)

At 2:06 AM, Blogger The Borg said...

At least, I definetly need to make a Greece trip. ;)


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As Jill, you are confident, respectful, and a little bit bossy! You have an acquired taste for adventure, and love any challenge that you have to face.