Sunday, June 18, 2006

Now I know I'm old...

I know...those of you who know my age (which is precious few) will laugh at me...but sometimes, I just feel so old. Allow me to explain. I've been serving as youth intern at my church for the past few weeks, and among my privileges was to go to camp...there I was placed in charge of eleven sixteen year olds who really thought they should call me Miss Carmen. I had to say no way, I could be your big then they took to calling me Mom. That was real freaky. When I was off guard, they'd call, "!" and that's not my usual i didn't notice, then they'd scream, "miss carmen!" okay, enough you guys. Then I met Dave Edwards backstage...random. We talked for a few minutes, then he gave me his email and offered to come speak in Savannah sometime soon. Remember that he's about forty. Then back to church the next week...I went to the beach with the a chaperone. Oh no. The dating nazi in me came out again a couple of days later...but never mind that. Then I went to see my grandparents.'s what grandaddy had to say..."Carmen, I know you'll have an experience in Europe or wherever...Greece, that's the boot, right? (Is he thinking italy?) Anyhows, you come back soon, and I just can't wait for the day you settle down around here with a good man and have lots of great-grandbabies..."ect., Eww.
At least Mom is warming up to me a little bit. She's been encouraging lately, ever since I promised her that I still like men, though I'm not dating one, and that I rejoice in the singleness I am called to...whether it be temporary or for life. As i lamented to her of all my aches and pains, she advised thus: "you aren't old, Carm. People see you differently, because you aren't the same as you were four years ago....or even a year ago. I know it's strange at first, but that's part of you being grown up, I cant believe I just said that..." Neither can I, mother!


At 11:16 PM, Blogger ckjolly said...

that's my girl!


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As Jill, you are confident, respectful, and a little bit bossy! You have an acquired taste for adventure, and love any challenge that you have to face.