Saturday, May 13, 2006

I do beg your pardon...

I do wholeheartedly apologize to Nancy and Christine. I did not realize I would be so sorely missed! You must understand, my mother forced me to pack all my things for mexico a couple of days ago...and the computer was included in those things. And then I went to the farm for a couple more days...but I did go to the mall in between and philosophize...yes, in the mall. I wondered over to the fish tank...and started wondering what the fish are thinking.
"Hey fish, I ate your brother yesterday."
"Great, I never really liked that little twerp anyway". Replied the fish...(at least in my mind)
Or perhaps he cries on the inside. I do too at times, little fish.
but the greatest thing is the tourists. With their disposable cameras.
"Oh, LOOK at those big fish!"
Great, all the tourists will go home and talk about is those great big fish they have in Savannah's bass pro shops.
"and this is the picture of the kids with that HUGE albino catfish..."
I can hear it now. A great coffee-table pic.
You have fun. I have a plane to catch.


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As Jill, you are confident, respectful, and a little bit bossy! You have an acquired taste for adventure, and love any challenge that you have to face.