Thursday, May 18, 2006

La Iglesia

I've been thinking a lot lately about religion in Mexico. Probably because I'm IN mexico and i've been touring a lot of churches. It's really amazing how gory their depictions of the crucifiction are. I'm seeing more and more what i've always thought, and as Christine suggested, that they focus way too much on the death of Christ, and not on His resurrection and the life that He continually gives to us. It's true that the cross covers us, as my friend suggested. But I'm so glad that's not all of the story. If the story ended there, then I'd have nothing to believe in. I went to a different church today, and I expected another crucifix with a sad-looking, dead Christ. And yes, there was one near the front. But much larger, on the wall behing the pulpit, was a risen Christ with a glorious expression that beckoned all to share in His life that never ends. "Yes!" I thought. "That is my Christ".


At 6:54 AM, Blogger ckjolly said...

ah ... that's more what i'm talking about.

John A. and the Pastor and his family were all up here for the boys' graduation.

sigh ... i'll miss B.

whelp ... got to finish making breakfast for the fellas.

glad you're learning a lot ... have you learned much about the origin behind the Sacred Heart? You might find that interesting and how it is a reaction to the old Indian religion.

At 11:20 AM, Blogger ckjolly said...

so ... i shared your story of when you went to Mac Grill by yourself and your mom called you "Christine".

so i started a "You might be a Christine if ..." on my blog

feel free to contribute

i'm thinking about doing a "You might be a ..." for a couple of my other friends too.

Hmm "You might be a Carmen if ..."


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As Jill, you are confident, respectful, and a little bit bossy! You have an acquired taste for adventure, and love any challenge that you have to face.