Yeah, here comes Supergirl...
I have been asked by several people, including "my girls" at church, to post about my views Alright. Since you asked, I'll attempt to put it into words.
People who do not know me very well...and even some who do...assume at times that I am either a)bitter due to a past relationship or b) uninterested in a relationship. Neither are true, but my actions (not dating and not approving of a lot of relationships I see) and words (encouraging the girls I know in my "ways") certainly voice my disapproval. What exactly do I disapprove of?
Excellent question. I disapprove of the way our culture encourages young people, both male and female, to engage in relationships that are often unhealthy.
I grieve when I see teenagers, especially girls I know, who, are 1) convinced that their worth is connected to having a dating relationship, 2) In an unhealthy relationship because they think "it's just what they should do", and 3) So distracted by their pursuit of a relationship that they cannot focus on more important things...such as their relationship with God or their family.
Instead, they should know that their worth is in their being a beloved, highly treasured, talented child of God, not conforming to the patterns of this world but seeking to follow a wonderful plan for their lives, and forming mutually encouraging relationships with their family and other friends, and finding the true source of love, because "This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His son to be the payment for our sins."
I also disapprove of teenage relationships because I've been through one. I didn't do anything I regret, but due to immaturity and hormones, it would have been very easy to make some. It is also not usually possible for a serious (as in leading to marriage) relationship to develop. It really is a waste of both peoples' time and emotions.
Since in my experience as a teenager and in working with teenagers for the past 3 years, I see that it is virtually impossible (though perhaps not entirely, i personally know one exception), for a teenager to focus on what is important and live a life of maturity and purity while dating and accepting our culture's view of dating, I suggest avoiding dating until a person is fully developed in maturity.
I realize that these are very strong views, and many people do disagree and are often offended. But since our culture is so focused on value in a romantic relationship, and often the physical aspect of that relationship, I truly see waiting as the best solution. I've been waiting for a long time, and I plan to continue to do so. I truly believe that is my calling for now, (and besides, what would "my girls" do without me standing strong?:-) But seriously, I want to be able to have pure, encouraging, and meaningful relationships with men, and if (hopefully!) i do marry one day, I want to be able to give my husband my whole heart, without regrets or unwanted baggage. That's what I want for you, too, both guys and girls: don't waste yours or others emotions or time, seek God above all else, do not be conformed, and live with no regrets.