Sunday, August 22, 2010


I finally decided it's time to move. Yes, the blog is not ending, fear not, but moving. From now on, you can find me over here, which is mark's custom-made website and blog. This'll be a little easier for everybody to keep in touch with the both of us. I am trying to get him to make it a little prettier :). We'll see. Anyhow, here's a little orientation to the new website: food- we love it and cook a lot of it, and aren't afraid to spread the love and recipes around, I do most of the posts here. Home-little house and random bits that's mostly of Mark's life-efficiency dreams. Ideas-this is the dangerous page. If my crazy ideas have offended anyone in the past, then just don't click here. It's safer that way. Instead, just click on Life- which is where we'll share wonderful updates and pictures on whatever happens. Then there's Tech-again, that's Mark. I just mostly ignore that part.
So we clear? want to hear what's going on? Life. want to hear my (or now Mark's) crazy thoughts and rants? Ideas (remember, dangerous, i warned you). Food-yeah, everybody, click on that, because what would the world be without food?
Ok, see you over at the new place. Feel free to leave housewarming gifts of comments.

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As Jill, you are confident, respectful, and a little bit bossy! You have an acquired taste for adventure, and love any challenge that you have to face.