Saturday, April 21, 2007


I found a new use for encyclopaedias tonight. That is, namely, using nine of them to hold up my oh-so-cheap new webcam that doesn't have a clip to hold it onto my laptop. But it worked. And i just remembered when we first got all those books... i think my grandmother gave them to us when dad was still in med school. They were all in a huge box in the balcony outside our apartment. I think i was 5 or 6 at the time. I was SO excited about all the "big books". Mom took full advantage of that. If I was good and looked after Carson all day, then we could take out a new book every night. Somehow Carson got all excited about it too, so he was good... and i got a new book full of new information every night! and mom got about a month of good offering us encyclopaedias.
Wow, was i a weird child.

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At 5:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, if Carson was excited too, then you're not the only weird one...

At 10:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who defines what is weird anyway?

I want to say something funny, because there are so many things coming to mind, but I think I'll go deeper instead, even though I don't think anyone was thinking about anything serious up to this point. So here's to being out of character and venturing into the brave, unknown.

It shouldn't be weird for school age kids to be excited about encyclopaedias. It's such a junior high thing (read:immature) to think that being dum is cool. No wonder I don't miss those years. It's cool and speaks well of your character that you had interests in the world outside of your house and were willing to look after your brother. Now how you TELL the story, well that was for a laugh and a smile, which it was effective. So I don't think that makes her weird, it makes you cool.


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