this one's about ministry...surprising...
I've signed up to take a class at the Baptist centre on campus this semester, called "Perspectives in the World Christian Movement", basically, an intro to missions class. I immensely enjoyed the first week and am looking forward to more tomorrow night. Just a few thoughts on what i've learned/remembered/was challenged about in the readings for this week.
'In Genesis 12:2-3, God promises [to Abraham]First, "I will make you a great nation", second, "I will bless you", third, "I will make your name great", but this is immediately followed by a purpose clause. It is "so that you may be a blessing." (Kaiser)
This statement challenged me once again to look around at all i have been blessed with, and made me remember that "to whom much is given, much is expected" as we often hear, but rarely put into practice. I should attempt to love everyone as much as God does... and be a blessing to everyone i encounter.
'The devil is not a red monster with a pitchfork, but often a do-gooder. His goal in life is to counterfeit the works of God. This has been his prized ambition ever since he went into business for himself. His first recorded intention ended with the words, "I will be like the Most High" (Isa. 14:14). This counterfeiting effort is his most effective ploy, for the more closely he can imitate God's work, the less likely will men be inclined to seek God or pursue His will.' (Ellisen)
Let's be sure we don't settle for "good" things, as Satan would love for us to do. I know so many things often look good, or good enough, or maybe just easier. We've got to be careful, and seek God with all our heart.
'Some of us refuse to identify with the people we claim to be serving. We remain ourselves, and do not become like them. We stay aloof. We hold on desperately to our own cultural inheritance in the mistaken notion that it is an indispensable part of our identity. We are unwilling to let it go...but this was not the way of Christ, who emptied himself of his glory and humbled himself to serve.' (Stott)
I just kinda said "ouch" to that one. It's difficult for me to love others enough to humble myself and serve them, to speak on their level, to leave my "comfort zone" and step out to share Christ's love. Like i mentioned a moment earlier, it's easier, good enough, to invite people to church, but not take the time to talk, listen, or pray with a broken heart for their salvation.
Lord, teach me to love others as you do, to obey your command to Love the Lord my God with all you heart, soul , mind, and strength...and my neighbor as myself.
Labels: challenges, missions, Perspectives