Friday, January 12, 2007

May the "the good old days" R.I.P

I went out to lunch with my dear friend Nancy today, and of course, we sat around and talked for quite a while afterwards. We've gone to the same church pretty much forever... so the topic of the "good old days" naturally came up. These "days" include middle and most of high school for me... and so often i don't even think about "back then" until someone brings it up. So i try to think about myself 5 years ago... (cringe?)... well, at least, i'm definately not going to post a picture. And i know i'm still young, but man, the things i've learned... the ways i've changed... i think of the people i was once so close to, and how many of them have moved on, but the real friends who stayed. I think about who i wanted to be, where i wanted to go, and honestly, things haven't changed too drastically. But i can honestly say that i didn't think i'd be who i am now, or go to the places i've been to, or experience what i've gone through. I can remember my biggest life goal was to get those confounded braces off my teeth. I remember wanting to be a veterinarian and living by myself way out in the country. (Oh, okay, so maybe i have changed drastically...) But now i'm pursuing a medical career, but with openness to God's plan instead of being so dead-set on mine, because i've seen mine fall through. Now i'm learning to love others, and not shut them out. And now i'm trying to find a way to minister where i am instead of hiding myself away. It's taken time, but God has so graciously guided me through life, and i praise him for that. My childhood and teenage years i can look back on fondly, though not without a shake of the head and laughter at myself. But i don't think i'm the only one.. anyone care to think back a few years... tell about yourself back then, and compare/contrast to now? What are some lessons you've learned?
But despite all the fond memories and lessons learned, i can say this: "May the good old days Rest In Peace."

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At 8:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sigh.... I miss those days.... well, at least the simplicity of them...

I posted on my blog... it's a national phenomenon! lol. (it's on Facespace as well... oops I mean Mybook, oh wait... Facebook... that's it!)


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As Jill, you are confident, respectful, and a little bit bossy! You have an acquired taste for adventure, and love any challenge that you have to face.