Thursday, February 04, 2010

return of the crazy ideas

Let's just say strange things have happened lately. This has been a busy and strange week, and though i am more worn out than i have been for a long time, i feel as though i have awakened from a very deep sleep. (but perhaps the exhaustion may be blamed on my preparation for the cardiology exam...)
First, i complained to my husband how jealous i am that he gets to think and write (those philosophy students...) creatively, and i am often stuck in a box of logical thoughts, within parameters that cannot be broken, with very real and stressful demands. I suppose this will only get worse next year as i enter the clinical half of medical school. I'm not sure how i will react to people dying if i don't get things right.
At any rate, i suppose i remembered how much i like to think. Then i started listening to podcasts on logical arguments (seems my philosophy classes were too long ago to remember it all). Then it seemed people started to ask questions, and i loved being around to talk, debate.
Some classmates even remarked how glad they were to be able to debate and learn from each other something that wasn't related to medicine- i know i was; we are all so tired of it at times.
Then some people compelled me to look back to this poor neglected blog. First i must say i had to laugh at some of the things i have written in years past. I really feel - and even act- like a very different person. But i suppose time and experience will do that. I'm sort of embarrased of a few of the things i've posted, but i'll leave them as a testament to change. Others, however, should have been more. I've been afraid of offending and pushing too far. But for those who may be offended or alarmed, i will remind you that this is simply an experiment meant to air out my crazy ideas and get responses.
Thus i will try to write more. I will try to think more, i may even try to shock you a little bit.
So i shall end this little rant with a tribute to those who are the forefront of free speech. Here's a blog i've followed for a little while on and off. You can easily change it to english if you're not familiar with spanish.
Generacion Y

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As Jill, you are confident, respectful, and a little bit bossy! You have an acquired taste for adventure, and love any challenge that you have to face.