Saturday, July 21, 2007

more pictures

More Madrid pics!

Toledo pics...

Here's a few more adventures...seeing the royal palace and the medieval town of toledo.
Lessons learned:
1)It is so hard to take classes in Spain because of:
a)lots of homework
b)lack of sleep
c)so much to see

2)From now on, i'll travel to the southern hemisphere in the summer months.

3)My spanish is improving:
a)reading like a banshee all these darn novels
b)writing 2-3 papers of 3-5 pages each week
c)however, speaking still awkward
1-still processing from english to spanish
2-still figuring out how to speak like a spaniard
3-they look at me funny because the white girl is speaking spanish

4)I really do love Spain
a), restaurants, history, culture, cosmopolitan environment
b)country-serious hiking needs to be done here
c)muslim/jewish influence in history and architecture
d)chocolate and churros

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As Jill, you are confident, respectful, and a little bit bossy! You have an acquired taste for adventure, and love any challenge that you have to face.