Friday, November 17, 2006

As promised!

This is a short clip of only part of the festivities that went on last weekend at my cousin Anna's 16th birthday party. We had a "murder mystery" to solve... then we went outside to play "monster", which basically meant i had to scare all the girls and make them scream. Woohoot.
Now, what i discovered very soon into the evening was that these girls are watching me. No, not the old "those younger than you are watching you" but rather "Hey, so YOURE Carmen?" "uhm, yes.." "i read your blog! i watch your videos! they're hilarious!". Then another, "so where's your camera?" "in my bag" "so, can we make a video?".
Ha! Well you guys, er, i mean girls, here is the newest video, starring none other but you...

Now, one of the reasons that i stayed in savannah for university was to have a chance to share what i've learned in my short life with the girls around me... the girls in the youth group at my church, girls i run across every day, the freshmen at school, and even you guys that came from the middle of nowhere in georgia out to anna's party. If i could give a few words of advice, i'd tell ya i remember being your age... only a couple of years ago for some of you! And i know it's confusing sometimes, but i really hope and pray that your life is not perfect, that you DO have struggles... but also that through those you will learn to understand what a relationship with Christ really means and how to abide in him. Remember this, it is "Christ IN you, the hope of glory." And as a friend and i were discussing a few evenings ago, no one can teach you this. You must learn it on your own. And as you grow older and more mature, you will see that the things you go through RIGHT NOW are important in who you will one day become. May you even now begin to let Christ live in and through you. Walk in humility, confidence, obedience, and do not be afraid to explore the unknown. God bless all you guys, keep coming back for more videos and posts!!!


At 8:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha!!!!! Yeah, that's me.

At 10:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay! its a wonderful video!


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As Jill, you are confident, respectful, and a little bit bossy! You have an acquired taste for adventure, and love any challenge that you have to face.