Friday, October 07, 2005

Kentucky, Hobbits, and a Deep Fryer

Well, I have returned home safely from a breif hiatus in Kentucky last weekend. It is always a joy to get away from the familar for a while and take a deep breath of cool air in a place I have never been before. Thanks to Christine, I was able to experience it.
After returning to school, I found that our fair city was soon to experience a direct hit from Tropical Storm Tammy. No problem, just a lot of rain, a bit of wind, but the most detrimental thing of all...the humidity. Yes, my blonde hair reacted furiously with kinky waves and curls now that it is short enough....this never happened with long hair! I didn't worry until a friend told me I look like a hobbit now that my hair is shaggy and curly. Interesting, since I used to be told I looked like an elf!
Have you ever apoligized to a deep fryer? I have. I dropped a few fries into one at work last night, and it went beserk. I mean, smoke, popping hot grease EVERYWHERE and the chef yelling for me to turn it off. And the other kids just laughed. So I turned it off and apoligized to the machine, which made them laugh even more, but at least they were entertained by my sarcasm.


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As Jill, you are confident, respectful, and a little bit bossy! You have an acquired taste for adventure, and love any challenge that you have to face.