Thursday, December 13, 2007

out now

and now that i'm out of uni, what am i doing?
Well, working. But today, i'm just sitting around. Maybe original thoughts will come later. but i'm just sleeping, reading, playing guitar and singing. Letting things reset, refresh. Here's something i read that i liked, it's a reflection on Hebrews chapter 1 from an authour named Sarah Arthur, and i thought i'd share this thought since it's been awhile since you heard from me, and i was a little mad the last time. This thought is a little more peaceful.

Once and for All
answering the ultimate question
"Can God be known?"
with a resounding yes!
He has revealed himself first
through the prophets,
mouthpieces of the Almighty.
frail and imperfect messengers;
but now-oh now!
In these last days there is nothing
but glory,
nothing but God himself
revealed in his own likeness, begotten
as his own thumbprint,
an autobiography, line for line,
spelling "Son".
No stream of verbiage
from a messenger in the desert;
no page after page
of ink-spotted judgements
simply one Word



and then silence.

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At 12:27 PM, Blogger Anna said...

I love Sarah Arthur. She is so good.


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As Jill, you are confident, respectful, and a little bit bossy! You have an acquired taste for adventure, and love any challenge that you have to face.