Today I may be justly accused of breaking the Sabbath. In fact, I am such a heathen that I didn't make it to church this morning. Well, that's because i felt awful...and drugged...but let me start from the beginning...
Yesterday I had every intention of finishing every stinking bit of homework for this past week and even get ahead on some assignments for this week. That was quite a goal, because homework for eighteen class hours of advanced chemistry and spanish is known to take a while. At any rate, I was up and running at nine, barely finished with my organic chemistry flashcards when...i had this funny feeling in my head. "oh no. I know that, it can't be. I've had a cold all week, its just sinuses." So I take a sudafed and keep on truckin'. Nope, not sinuses. At two o'clock, i have a full-fledged migraine. Not just any run-of-the-mill migraine, a vomit-inducing, noise-hating, light-abhorring migraine. Yep, a NASTY one. So I take two of my migraine pills and retreat under my quilt. Two hours later, i was hoping to resume my work. Nope, it STILL hurt...bad. I visit the bathroom for the first symptom mentioned above, take TWO MORE pills, then sleep again. Now its seven o'clock. My parents have returned home, and I manage to stumble downstairs to cry on my mother's shoulder. I am a little child again. "It HURTS, mommy!!! Fix it!" Fortunately, mom knows all about my migraine woes. I've had them since i was oh, about six, and she knows this is a bad one. So she calls dad over, and he hits me with FOUR pills of the best stuff he's got (for those of you who are really worried about that at the moment, he is a physician and allowed to do stuff like that). He asks, "So Carmen, what are you going to do when you're a surgeon, and one of these smacks you just before you operate?" "cancel the operation!" I say as smart-alecy as possible... And to my surprise he says, "yep, that's exactly what you'll have to do". Okay, well that's just great. My career is on the line all because of a stupid head condition...
Well, i was then COMPLETELY drugged up. I slept until about noon today...thus the missing church. And now I'm in the computer lab at school, having just finished as much homework as completely necessary to get by this week. And i'm still dizzy from the meds. I should not have driven over here...wait, how DID i get here? hmm.
Thus i have confessed my sins, and thus i complain. And now end my childish cry for sympathy and resume with my homework. No, i think i'll sleep. wait... yeah... sleep.